Some of the statements these guys made were so powerful...and I decided I was going to try to do my own version of these videos.
I decided my ex would be a good "subject" to use in my documentary and he was more than willing to help me with my project. I showed him the videos I was trying to emulate and he told me that he could totally relate to these men. (I can say that the dimise of our relationship did make more sense after he made this comment) I could not figure out what to photograph to get my point across, but I thought of a few things along with audio. Now, let me explain something....the ex is not a talkative person AT ALL...but as soon as I sat down with a recorder and began asking him questions....this guy was going on and on! He opened up about all kinds of things. I remember one comment he made that is stuck with me..."I would rather know that there is a good chance I won't see next week than know what i'm going to be doing for the next 20, 30 years of my life."
Anyways, I took the pics....we hung out for a bit, and I made my way home. The next day I edited my photos and Tuesday I printed them out, got my audio ready, and presented to the class for critique.
My professor is probably in his early 30's and is the coolest guy ever. Before I even started my presentation he asked who it was...."'s my ex" "hahaha, this should be interesting, go on".....
So I explain that this guy in the photos had been on 2 tours to Iraq and just recently started "real life" here at Ohio State....he does suffer from PTSD....he is thinking about rejoining the military because he is having such a hard time adjusting...yada yada yada.....
After that, I play the very touching audio.
Now, the critique begins. "The composition isn't bad in the photos", "The audio is really touching and the photos fit really well with what he was talking about", "The presentation as a whole was very moving".....then comes the smart ass comments from the professor.
(here are a 3 of the 8 photos used...these were all black and white for the presentation...notice the injury on his forehead from rugby)
"I love the intimacy of these photos"....yeah, my professor really just said that about these photos....I am assuming he was refering to the photo of him looking at the camera...which he happened to be bitching at me hits me....the intimacy between my ex and I....caught in a photograph???
Next comment from professor smartass.
"That scab on his that from a domestic dispute?"....ha....ha...ohhhh lord.
The final comment from professor smartass, "Hmm, Semper Fidelis....doesn't that mean 'always faithful'?......Kind of ironic, huh?.....he IS your ex, right? Anything to do with why you guys broke up?"
Last time I checked this was photography class NOT psych! Good thing I like this professor...haha...I wasn't really wanting to discuss my failed relationship with 30 random people in my class.
I did end up getting a lot of compliments from classmates about the use of audio with this project and a lot of compliments on the actual photos. The professor, however, was more interested on the joke of the situation.
I want to see the others too..... i like them!