Monday, June 15, 2009

A quick email to Mom and sis from camp

The 1st of many e-mails/blogs this summer while at camp. This one was sent to my mom and sister...

I finally figured out how everything is going to be working here!!!The campers will arrive in about a week and a half and until then weare getting camp set up, getting into the swing of things (waking upat the ass crack of the way, the sun rises at 5am here...),meeting other people from our department....oh, wait, i am the ONLYone in the radio department. We have been doing a lot of "teambuilding" activities with our fellow HOD's (head of departments) and iguess the other counselors will be showing up by thursday. Thursday wewill be "going on an adventure". It is a surprise where we are goingso I seriously feel like im one of the campers hahaha.

I got my binder today that will help me set up the radio departmentand it looks like i will have 4- 50 minute periods a day with groupsof about 6 girls where I will be helping the girls broadcast their ownradio shows where they will talk every 3 songs and learn how to usethe equipment and it will be broadcasted over the PA for the entirecamp. There are abotu 350 campers so far signed up and Jason, theowner, said that there are about 100 more girls trying to get in btuhe is in the process of trying to make room for them.What sucks right now is trying to get settled in! Because it is justthe counselors at the moment, we are all put into cabins, but we will be moving to a different cabin within a week! So, for now, i will beliving out of my suitcase. Oh, and I forgot a pillow. Damn it....Iwill probably be making a trip to Wal-Mart tonight to get things ineed....a journal, a pillow, another blanket (its cold as SHIT rightnow...and rainy)...more shampoo and alarm clock (the fog horn they BLAST is not going to wake me up, i can already tellhaha) and a watch.

My cell phone will be in a locker in the officelocked up while i am "working" but most nights I will be able to useit after 8 and some times in the middle of the day. I have 15-30minute breaks a lot so I will probably be heading over to thecomputers during those times daily so anything urgent, for now, shouldbe sent through email. I will get you the mailing address and theoffice number soon. seems like this is going to be a BLAST! Some of theother counselors are SUPER girly....and dumb (brought designer shoesand NO BOOTS to CAMP!) but most of the people here are very verynice!!!! I am SOOOO excited for the little girls to get here so i canstart working with them. Oh, and there are a lot of Australian peoplehere as counselors, so dont be surprised if i come home with a bit ofan accent or start calling people mate, or bloke....i have heard it amillion times already and i guarentee its going to rub off on me haha.

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