Wednesday, June 24, 2009

...drumroll please

So today I found out that I will be in a bunk with 10 year old girls!
I think its a good age because they are old enough they are somewhat
self sufficient as far as cleaning and unpacking (sommmmewhat) but are
not involved in the drama!!!! I am STOKED! There will be about 12
girls in my bunk and 3 counselors! It is actually one of the smallest
bunks, surprisingly! Also, I found out that I have Tuesdays
off....which means I will have to work on my birthday :( but i can go
out the day before! Sarah, I will be requesting a ENO (Early night
off) 2 weeks from now on Monday so I can leave camp at 5:30pm to head
to Boston and can spend the night there and spend all day Tuesday
there. Once it is all set in stone, i will let you know! Would you be
able to call off on a Tuesday to come hang out??????

Anyways, that is the news for the day! Love and miss you!

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